My birth story turned c-section


I can't believe I'm writing my own birth story! I've read so many other people's in prep for my own. It's long - thanks for sticking through it!

At 39 weeks 1 day at 3 AM, I heard a "pop" when rolling out of bed to pee and honestly thought it was my husband's knee or something! I didn't think anything of it because nothing gushed or leaked to my knowledge. Then the next morning my husband and I went back to work for our first day (we're teachers) to get things set up for the first student week of school (Sept 5). Baby was due any day now (Sept 3) and we wanted to leave our subs with good plans. I was sitting down chatting with my teammate and decided to text my husband because 1. I was really damp in my underpants and 2. Feeling in my gut something wasn't right (also baby wasn't moving a ton like she very normally did all the way up to this day).

My OB asked us to come "immediately", in which we did. The amniotic fluid test came back negative, but she hooked us up to a non-stress test because the baby hadn't moved during our appt and her heart rate was 120. If was typically 145 and greater throughout my entire pregnant so my OB was a tad concerned. Before my non-stress test, they had me drink apple juice and that didn't do the trick for baby's movements :(. So she sent us to the hospital for more in depth testing. My OB also told us to not worry about stopping to get our stuff because she felt confident we weren't being admitted and that everything would be fine ;).

When I got to the hospital with my hubby, she was moving a ton (of course). However, when the monitors were hooked on you could see I was consistently having contractions every 1-2 minutes that lasted 20-30 seconds w/ low intensity. They also checked if my leak was amniotic fluid - test 1 came back negative, test 2 more sensitive and placed inside your vagina tested POSITIVE! Next I hear the nurse say "you're admitted!!" I immediately cry from nervousness and sheer joy. I called my mom and she brought us lunch 😁. My dad also came later on with dinner. Hubby went home to get all of my packed bags + everything else I thought of last minute (he's amazing).

Once in the room at 1 PM, my dilation was confirmed a 2 with 60% effacement (already progress from my office visit). My contractions remained consistent but were so light. They let me Labor naturally until about 8 PM then started pitocin. At first it didn't intensify anything until they had it up to a 12. Around 12 AM I started to really contract. I was in pain but it was bearable. Everybody in my family could sleep and I was honestly happy for them so I labored with the help of my nurse. I only dilated to a 3 by 4 AM and I was crushed because I felt ready for an epidural. They told me my contractions were still mild but I felt like they were terrible!! I kept laboring without the epidural and my hubby and dad woke up helping me through each contraction. My dad was seriously amazing [he helped my mom Labor 4 times] and he also was great support for my hubby and advising him what to do to help me. At 6:15 I went to the bathroom to pee & poop (which I did about 7 times total during labor). I was sitting on the toilet working through a contraction when all of the sudden I felt the urge to barf. My hubby grabs the trash can near by and I throw up SO MUCH. My sweet nurse came in while I'm crying and throwing up and asked if I was ready for the epidural despite my progression. I said "what do you think I should do?" And she said "get it so you can rest". I did and her and my hubby cheered me on the whole time while my momma rubbed my back, my dad coaching my hubby.

After the epidural I felt great!! I rested a little (not slept), but got some rest until baby's heart started dropping through the day. It always immediately came back up, but had us talking about a c section starting around 12 PM. My OB was amazing and kept changing my positions, using different methods (including adding back more fluid to give her room away from the cord), etc. I continued to Labor until about 4:30 PM where I was fully ready to push!!!! I was so excited I had made it naturally. Until I started pushing and baby's heart rate started to drop 💔. I knew deep down what my sweet OB was going to say. And although I would never neglect what's in the best interest of my baby, I was crushed. I started shaking and tearing up while anesthesia started prepping me. I was so grateful my hubby could go back but so scared to leave my mom and dad who had supported us for over 30 hours (from start of early morning until then). My nurse was also amazing, so of course I desperately looked at her and said "you're coming too, right??" Of course she was! Sigh of relief. I get all prepped for the OR where I was shaking, crying, etc. This was not my birth plan and I was so disappointed. Baby is delivered within 5 mins of being prepped. The moment I heard her beautiful cry, I lost it. Hubby was crying and telling me how much he loves me. My heart grew x 100. She pooped inside the womb, so the NICU was there, but quickly left because baby is so healthy. Her and hubby left me in the OR to get cleaned up and get baby's tests done. Once I got to recovery, we did skin to skin. She latched immediately and fed for 1 hour!! We're off to a great start together and my heart is so big knowing when she cries everybody tries to soothe her, but she ends up with me & my heartbeat and immediately quiets down and falls asleep.

The c-section wasn't what I wanted or expected starting Monday, but my baby is safe! I've already walked around my room with limited pain and only aleeve to help. My IV has been removed already! So I'd say things are going great and my baby was worth any sadness and disappointment I felt in myself, my body, and the laboring process. It all completely disappeared when I held that baby for the first time! Any ladies afraid of this outcome... don't be! If I can do it, so can you! ❤️

Meet Hannah Elizabeth. She came into the world weighing 7 lbs 2 oz, 20 inches long. Every inch of her is perfect. I could stare at her all day/night long 👶🏻👏🏼💗.