Worse pain on day 5 of postpartum


Ok so my bleeding has been pretty regular nothing I would thing would raise any concern. Until last night I had a bigger than usual clot come out. Idk if it was big enough to be concerned, and I am horrible at explaining how big it is because it was oddly shaped. Almost thought about taking a pic of it. Well after that I had more clots but they were all stringy and smaller. I woke up though to horrible cramps like I couldn't even sit up without being in excruciating pain. Most of the time I just get cramps when I breastfeed but this is constant and in my back and legs also. Pain is almost unbearable. I took the pain meds they gave me but it doesn't help the pain much just makes me feel a little doped up. I'm wondering if anyone has an opinion on this like is this normal or should I call my doctor?