First time posting advice appreciated! 😜


Okay so I am 31 weeks 4 days, about 2 weeks ago I had a midwife appt and she said that my cervix was soft and should watch my contractions. I have been having somewhat regular contractions that hurt my back and wake me up at night. Well I went to L and D the other day because the contractions started back up and didn't go away with water and rest and they said I was thinned out and dilated to 1cm. They tested for amniotic fluid and the first test was positive but they weren't sure and waited 2 hours to do a second one that came out negative. **sorry this is long!** They also did another exam and said that I hadn't dilated anymore to go home and get some rest. Well today I was looking for something around the house and I started to feel really achy like my pubic bone was rubbing(very common and normal) and have also started feeling a lot of pressure and cervical pain down there then started contractions and feeling like I had to make a BM , I went and took a small nap and they are slower now but still feeling ALOT of pressure down there. I also lost part of my plug the other night. Should I get checked or just write it off as paranoia?

I'm so so sorry this is long lol!!! 😳😜