This is the first time I've ever done an app to track my cycles. I'm irregular. But the weird thing is, it wasn't my kind of normal period. I always get heavy right away. Well it looked like I was bleeding on and off for 2 days, then just spotting here and there on day 3. I know when we get older, our bodies tend to be funny sometimes. But I seriously do not feel like my self. Then 4 days ago I got this weird mucus discharge I've never had. So I assumed it was ovulation? Then yesterday I got this pinkish discharge. Anyone with a good guess might possibly know what this is? Also, I never have insomnia. And the last 3 days I been up since 4am. Then I'm so exhausted during the day for no reason and all I wanna do is lay down and possibly nap. I'm having heart burn once in a blue moon. In the middle of my stomach, it feels like someone is stretching my insides. I'm having light cramps on and off. Getting pinching aches on my left side. I've been having nausea the last two days. Today, it has gotten worse. I'm too the point I want to throw up so bad but I can't. It goes away and comes back later on and off. I been drinking a lot of water as well. And my lord! I been having lower back aches for the last week. It's to the point where I can't lay, sit or stand very well. Also, later at night, it's a little bit in my hip area too. I'm confused. Also, I have big boobs the way it is. I have no clue if there feeling heavier, tender. I honestly never went through this. Oh I also took a blue pregnancy test on the 25th. And I know, there not good to test with and can be false. I always go with the pink dye frfr, but my friend happen to have an extra test, so she let me have it. I see a vvvvvfl. But I'm not going based off that. My next app says I should have my next period on the 15th. But like I'm said, I'm irregular and this is my first time using an app. And idk how you do the days past ovulation thing. Please help! And