Anxiety over a guy

So this guy tells me he likes me. I tell him i like someone else. We still text each other as friends (idk what we would be. like he's not like a good good friend or anything. more acquaintances to me). So anyways I get sm anxiety over this and idk why it's so annoying though uugh. Like i'm not just gonna stop texting him bc of it but has this happened to anyone else? And did u ever stop feeling like that? BTw i said texting but we actually snapchat, my bad lol. So it's not like we talk 24/7. We just keep streaks and talk here and there. (oh and I usually am the one to start the convos so i've stopped doing that) Also i'm pretty sure he still likes me. if u guys need to know why i think he still likes me then i'll just update this l8er.

UPDATE: He didn't straight forward ask me out he kind of played around the question. When he asked who I liked I told him I liked a guy in the grade above us and then he tried to figure out who (I never told him a name but he obviously knew it wasn't him) so it wasn't like he got rejected or anything. In the post I just said he asked me out cuz it's easier (and shorter) to say that than to explain every detail lol but yeah I was nice and I don't think he's butt hurt. I think I might be getting anxiety cuz now Ik i'm kinda getting judged by him and his friends like not judged in a bad way but I'm being noticed now and I don't like it idk if that makes sense like "omg how does he like her when she's so ugly" or he might see me in school and be like "omg she's actually ugly" and I guess i'm other words I feel like i'm being scrutinized, like my every move is being watched by a group of his friends and him but ok done typing now lol sorry