Everett was in a hurry

Everett was in a hurry! My 4 year old son and I picked my husband up at the airport from a 2 week business trip last night around 7pm. At 5 am I started feeling contractions but not particularly painful or consistent. I got up and showered for work around 6:30. At 7:15ish I told my husband I wasn't sure I should go to work as the contractions hadn't stopped and were getting closer together. Still able to walk and talk through them with no problem. I asked my husband to get my son ready for pre-k while I got dressed. While I was getting dressed I had a few trickles of fluid. I put a ginormous pad in my undies (leftover from when I oldest was born. You experienced mamas know what I'm talking about). It was saturated with the next contraction. Definitely had broken my water. It was around 7:30am maybe slightly later. I called down to my husband to speed things up and get himself ready since contractions were now less than 2 minutes apart and lasting about a minute. I texted my boss to let her know I wasn't going to make our 9am meeting at 8:04am. Few more contractions on the bed. Went downstairs as my husband was getting the bags and my son into the car. Tried to walk through a contraction before going out to the car but got too lightheaded. Laid on the kitchen floor where my husband found me scream/moaning through contractions one on top of the other. He unbuckled my son from the car and called his mother to come get him. Next call was to 911 at 8:22am. Everett James entered the world on our kitchen floor at 8:40am, about 10 minutes after the EMTs arrived. We're all doing well and big brother even got to climb in the fire truck that came along with the ambulance. Oh, and our neighbors across the street had their own dramatic delivery of their little boy 90 minutes later! These boys are destined to be besties!