My natural birth story- you can do it!!!!


So I just wanted to share my story two months late because I just feel like I need to let other girls know that they CAN have a natural birth. I was afraid and I got tons of people criticizing my decision for natural birth. I got a lot of "you're really not going to get an epidural? We'll see." Well for some reason I was convince I was gonna have my baby early so I took off of work at 38 weeks and from then on I did everything I could think of to induce besides castor oil. I even took shots of balsamic vinegar (don't do it). AnywAy at 41 weeks and 3 days I go get a membrane sweep and my midwives start to talk to me about our plan to induce naturally and if all else fails I'll be transferred to a hospital and induced at exactly 42. I do the sweep and it's so painful honestly. I hated it so much and I was bleeding after. I got home and no contractions or anything. The next day goes by as normal and then at 5ish I start to get this little cramp that comes and goes but I'm out getting a manicure and I'm totally in denial that I'm having contractions. I go get dinner with my mom through the cramps and go home. Cramps start picking up and at 10 I tell my bf I might be in labor but I doubt it because I'm already so late and I'll prob be induced. We go to sleep and at 3 am I wake up with stronger cramps. Idk if I'm in labor and I call my midwife after texting my mom asking if I should( I didn't want to disturb them! 🤣) still thinking I wasn't but they said I might be and to keep them updated. Around 5 I go outside and watch the sunrise and I feel a squirt come out kind of like I peed a little. I am still in denial so I don't think my water breaks! The fluid is pink and my midwife says yes it's my water and to keep waiting. At 6 I am in so much pain I am throwing up on my kitchen floor and my bf calls my midwife and tells her we need to come in. They say seven but we leave right away and get there at 6 40. I get into my birth room and my midwife shows up. I hang out in the shower and it feels so good. The rest is a blur to be honest. Just a bunch of changing positions and using my voice and moaning in this low pitch like I was taught. Well I start to feel like I have to push at like 2ish and I'm only 7 cm so I try to keep chillin. At like 2 30 I have to push so my midwife says t go with it and I just push and push. After like an hour my baby was out! Pushing felt way better than just laying there like it made it hurt way less!!! So my baby was born at around 3 30 after like an hour of pushing! I had a 2nd degree tear but it healed fine I only used a peri bottle for a couple days. Also immediately after the baby is out your contractions stop hurting! My baby came out and my midwives said "he's out! Pick up your baby!" I grabbed him and pulled him close to me and it was the best feeling in the world. He latched on after like 5 minutes and breastfed like a champ ever since.

Anyway don't listen to people who tell you that you can't because you can!!! I doubted myself but in the moment you just go with it! I feel like such a badass and I'm so proud of myself and love my body and my baby so much.