Here's to this month!


We used preseed last night and I plan on using it every time we do the BD this month. Here's hoping all that baby dust finds me this month!

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After not seeing my husband due to working night shifts for the last 10 days we are planning on BD a lot this weekend (glow predicts this my fertile week)? We haven't got preseed but I bought conceive plus which has great reviews and plan on using it every time over the next few days! Let's hope the baby dust finds us! Good luck! Xx


Steph • Aug 31, 2017
Good luck lovely! 🤞🏻


Victoria • Aug 31, 2017
Good luck to you too! My period ended two days ago so it's not my "fertile week" but I'm planning on doing the baby dance as much as possible this month regardless. I'm not going to calculate and stress myself out this month because we've been trying since Feb and we're so ready for our baby. This month we're just going to do what lovers do like it's the beginning of the relationship all over again, with some added help lol