Birthday Blues Rant


It's my birthday. Yay me. 24 years old now. Every birthday has been depressing as hell. Was abused most of my life so you can guess birthdays were never much fun. Now I'm older and that shit is out of my life apparently I'm too old for a present or cake and my mum told me we can't go out for dinner because she doesn't have the money (she does, but she's getting married next week). She told me we're getting takeout for dinner but then tells me to order it myself. I ask her for whiskey at the shop and she gets me wine which I don't like. I was meant to spend the day with my bf who is a teacher and btw it's summer holidays but he had to go into work. And when he asked me what I wanted a few months ago I said a promise ring but I didn't get that. Honestly maybe I sound selfish but I NEVER ask for anything. And on my special day I ask for some things I'd like (like a fricking cake for starters!!!) and I don't even get anything. I always try to make the people close to me really happy and try to make their days special and this is all I got!!! I'm so upset!!! 😥😥😥

My own brother doesn't even remember it's my birthday because he only cares about himself. And I have no friends because I have chronic illness and basically can't maintain a social life. It sucks.