My fall clothes don't fit... any ideas?


I'm organizing my closet getting ready to move to fall clothes and realizing nothing I wore before I got pregnant last October fits at all... the only jeans I have that fit right now are maternity ha...

I gained ~50 lbs and have only lost 25 in the last 8 weeks... 3 years ago I lost about 70 lbs (cutting carbs and 15 minutes of fasting cardio in the mornings) and after a few years of what I considered a victory I threw out my larger sizes, clearly not thinking ahead haha...

Dreading having to go shopping to replace my wardrobe!! Have any of you ladies bounced back quicker than me, and do you have any healthy tips? I'm breastfeeding so I'm trying to be conscious of getting enough calories but getting them from healthier foods- when I lost my weight before it was from cutting most carbs and I'm afraid to try that and hurt my milk supply!!