nauseous on birth control


I started taking birth control when I was 11 do too severely bad periods now I'm 22 but for the last year-and-a-half I wasn't on birth control and my period is normal now except for the really bad pain in the first 3 days are really heavy I went to my doctor and he said I should go back on birth control pills I honestly don't want to because of all the complications I had from 11 to 21 when I was on it and I would always get extremely nauseous when I took it now I'm supposed to start tonight and I'm sick to my stomach just thinking about it the nausea is so bad does this happen to anyone else? if so how did you alleviate it ? I'm going to take it I like to take it at night just to see if I'm okay in the morning with the nausea but I really wish I didn't have to be on birth control