Calling all hamster parents!!!!!


Leanna • Girl Mom ❤️ Isabelle Jade 7-9-14 Olivia Skye 8-24-18 ❤️ wife of a drummer and engineer 🎼🥁 7 years and counting..

I'm looking into getting maybe 2 female robo dwarf hamsters. I'm trying to find a cage that's big enough for two (might just get one but still want her to have plenty of space regardless) that they won't find a way out of, tons of space, safe, easy to clean and get them out and preferably around $30 or less, but definitely under $40. I've never owned hamsters so any other advice is welcomed! Any and all! And thanks in advance!

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Thanks everyone! I got my hamster today, went with a fancy hamster and we named her Chewy!I'm in love 😍


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Most hamsters like to live alone even if they are the same sex. Even if they get along for a little bit, a lot of them will turn on each other eventually and kill each other


Ms • Sep 3, 2017
I wish I would have taken pictures of the housing in the back room where they're kept when cages weren't open...


Leanna • Sep 3, 2017
This is so sad! I'll definitely look into other places, I live in Vegas, if anyone lives here too and can request a place that'd be awesome and if there's other big pet stores, I'd totally appreciate it! I definitely don't want a sick pet (I don't deal with death well so I don't want anything to happen that quick) and I definitely don't agree with animals not being taken care of properly!


Ms • Sep 2, 2017
I worked at Petsmart for quite a while and I can vouch that animals are definitely sold that are sick. They have an isolation room that all new animals are kept in until display cages open up and the whole time I worked there the only thing we treated was the guinea pigs that got ringworm because it causes hair loss and is super obvious. Otherwise the animals come in, are never checked by a vet, sit in a tiny tubberware container with several other animals until they eventually get to go in a display tank where they're sold to someone with obviously no information on how to properly house or care for them.


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I have two of these and like them. They're a good size.


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They're pretty small, so most cages should be good. I had one though named Miss Minnie. She was like to tasmanian devil 😂


Leanna • Sep 2, 2017
That's so funny lol


Aj • Sep 2, 2017
I just had one, so she had a single story cage and even that was big for her. They have some really small hamster balls for them. I could never get Minnie into one though, she was vicious until the day she passed 😂 I had to pick her up with garden gloves. I was about 11 at the time. I couldn't help but love her. She was so spunky.


Leanna • Sep 2, 2017
That's a cute name! lol I read they're pretty rambunctious! So about how big would be a good size for two? And do they like to go in balls? I've got a pretty big one story house so I think my daughter would have a blast watching them safely roam around in a ball haha


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