Surprise gender baby has arrived!!!


Well our surprise gender baby is here's a GIRL πŸ€— Her name is Brooklyn Olivia Evlon Chambers born via emergency c-section on September 1, 2017 (exactly 37 weeks gestation)

at 6:42 pm weighing 5lb 12oz and 19 inches long. She is just perfect!! This is my third baby and she was my first one delivered by a c-section. My fiancΓ© and I went to see the high risk doctor this morning for an ultrasound because they had been monitoring her since last week. They started monitoring her because she was breech and they were concerned about her size and possible IUGR. Last Friday at the 36 week ultrasound, high risk doc said baby showed possible signs of IUGR and the ultrasound showed an estimated weight of 5lb 3oz. The plan was to see high risk doctor once a week until the end of the pregnancy and have an ultrasound every week for comparison. Well this week at the 37 week appointment, the ultrasound showed baby still measuring small and now my amniotic fluid was very low as well. High risk doctor said we needed to go to the hospital right away and be prepared for the c-section. I was really nervous about having a c-section as my last two children were delivered vaginally. I did not have a hospital bag or anything packed yet πŸ™„ so my fiancΓ© and I went home first and packed our bags. We arrived to the hospital at 3 pm. They gave me an IV and started prepping me for the surgery. It felt like an eternity from the time I got to the hospital to the time they actually performed the procedure!! Around 6 pm they finally took me back to have the spinal block put in. That was a breeze...until I started to get numb and then panic. I felt like I was waiting forever until they allowed my fiancΓ© to be in the room! I asked them to perform the c-section using a clear drape so I could see what was going on and see the baby when they announced the gender. I only felt some tugging and pressure and then finally heard the baby crying and they held her up and said congratulations it's a baby girl! I was so excited and happy! Our daughter did not have a name for hours after she was born, until finally we decided on Brooklyn Olivia Evlon Chambers. She has two middle names just like me, and the name Evlon after my fiancΓ©'s Mom to honor her. It felt like it took hours for the doctor to finish stitching me up after the c-section. I moved to recovery for 2 hours and everything went perfectly! They moved us to our room and shortly after, the nurse noticed Brooklyn was showing some signs of respiratory distress. They ended up taking her to the NICU to put her on oxygen and IV fluids and perform further testing/monitoring. I have not been able to go over to the NICU yet as they have not allowed me to get out of bed or removed my catheter yet. NICU nurses have just told me they expect Brooklyn to stay there for a minimum of 3 days, with a maximum stay of 10+ days. I hate to have her away from me but I know it is for the best. I'm just hoping everything will turn out okay and she can come home with us when I am released from the hospital. Sorry for the super long post, thank you for reading.