getting your husband to understand

My husband and I have been TTC for over a year now with no luck. I've had fobroids and polyps and irregular cycles (some lasting 3 months). We started to go to SGF and found out that I don't ovulate. Our doctor recommended Chlomid with a trigger shot. We went through two cycles with no luck. I just had an HSG test done and everything came back normal. We decided that we would try the trigger one more cycle and then move onto other options if it doesnt work. My husband said "I don't think it's working because it's too mechanical. I think my swimmers are too stressed. We should just try and hope for the best."

I love this man with all my heart, but getting him to understand the actual facts of my problems has been an uphill battle. He is very supportive, but man, it sometimes feels like I have to go through this on my own because he doesnt get it.

Does anyone else have this problem? Do your partners just not understand the process no matter how much you telll them? Any Advice?