Miracle Baby


my due date was February 3rd 2017. I started having labor pains January 28th 2017. I let them go on until 8 pm that night and I went to the hospital because they were starting to become unbearable. the hospital claimed their computer wasn't picking up my contractions and I wasn't dilated at all. I went back home and all night I was standing up in the most excruciating pain ever until about 3 am and I decided to take a hot bath to see if it would help. well I got in the bath and Everytime I pushed it felt good so I kept doing it . eventually I had pushed my whole mucus plug out and started bleeding so my grandmother rushed me back to the hospital. it is now January 29th 2017 around 4 am. I get in there and the first thing they do is check to see if I'm dilated and I was 9cm !!!!! so I got all undressed got on the bed and they immediately broke my water .. I started pushing an hour later and I gave birth to Ahmanii Dominick Perez at 5:43 am he weighed 4 lbs 12.5 oz and he was 17.5 inches long. my son wasn't breathing and did not have a heart beat when he was born.. they had to bring him back to life and because of that I didn't get to hold him until he was 4 days old. he to be flown to the NICU at another hospital and he was there for two weeks and I stayed right by his side. he had to be put on a cooling blanket to save his brain from being without oxygen for such a long period of time. he is a miracle. all of his doctors call him a miracle baby because they said he shouldn't have survived such trauma. he's a gift from God 💙