So this is a first for me... sorry if it's a common subject...

Hey ladies, please help a lesser educated woman out.

I've been on the pill for a decade, none stop. I stopped my pill for my husband and I to have our first baby.

My period is a solid two weeks late, but pregnancy tests are coming up as negative. I've been cramping for the entire two weeks, with exception of today and yesterday.

All of a sudden, I have felt crampy and when I went to the bathroom, there was a bit of blood. But it didn't look like period blood... it seemed a little "creamy" if you will. It wasn't pink or brown, it was not as dark though as period blood. I'm also normally extremely moody when I have my period and I'm actually feeling pretty OK today.

My cramps feel exactly like period cramps but my periods normally start quickly and heavy and finish light so I don't know if what I'm experiencing is suddenly my period of if it is in fact implantation bleeding.

My husband and I did have a quick one this morning, so hopefully I'm sorted should be it ovulation bleeding.

I've not taken a picture because I'm not sure if anyone really wants to see that.

So my actual question is this- when should I take a pregnancy test to see what it actually is? In about 3 days or so?

Thanks for your help!