Sexual teens

I know I’ll get a lot of hate for this, but I just need to get it out.

I’m SO SICK of seeing my little cousin sexualize everything on Snapchat. She’s 15, she’s been sexually active for a while. She taken more pregnancy tests than I have (I’m 28), she thinks she has an STD but won’t get tested, she’s admitted to having sex with random men that she meets at her job (she’s a waitress). She posts snaps/videos of her licking lollipops and ice cream, shows pictures of her ass (with clothes but still). She’s always in love with a new guy. I just... don’t get it. I KNOW her mom has to see her snap chats, is she not concerned? Is it because her mom is (and always has been) so open about her sexual desires and how she just can’t get enough?

I’m pretty open minded about sexuality I just think it’s poor taste to talk about how much of a “slut” you are (her words not mine) on all your social I media all the time.

Just irritated.