I was a mess, and then it was perfect! ๐Ÿ’™


It has been almost 4 weeks since I gave birth to my my precious little boy bellamy. I had ITP (A blood disorder which caused my platelets to low) And I had ICP (Which was a liver disorder that could cause still birth after 37 weeks) Both of which where pregnancy induced, they are kind of like gestational diabetes. When I had the baby they went away. Oh yea, and lucky me I have herpes. So needless to say I was a mess. After many visists with my maternal fetal medicine doctor, I was told the ICP would become way to dangerous and was not to go a day past 37 weeks. So my induction was set! My OB that I saw most of the time (There where about 10 different doctors.) was all on bored. He was well versed in my case, and he would be working the day I would be induced. The stars really had to align for me to have a vaginal birth. My platelets had to be over 100 to get an epidural and I could not have an active herpes outbreak. *Spoiler alert* Dispite being on valtrex I had a horrible outbreak. So I packed my hospital bag, and me and my SO where ready to have a baby. Knowing I would probably need a C Section, I mentally prepared. We got admitted and I informed the nurse immediately that I would need to be examined by the doctor before given induction medication because I had an outbreak. It was already discussed that come the day we would check and just do the c-section if the outbreak was present. The doctor on the floor that night fought with me saying I didn't know what herpes looked like and you can't have an outbreak while on valtrex, and then he told me he was sending me home, and he would induce me in a week when the outbreak was gone. My heart sunk. But what about the ICP? I fought with him and he allowed me to stay the night in the hospital and said the other doctor could "Deal with me." Luckly, my doctor came in 8am and said "Ready for baby?" ๐Ÿ’™ Gleefully I said yes. The nurses came in and blew all my veins. like all of them.. except one that had to be my port because I might need blood because of the ITP. Anywhooo, So that was done...We are headed to the operating room now! My SO is getting suited up and they start the spinal block. Except something isn't right. It is extremely painful and I can feel him digging around in my back as my nerves start to have shooting pain down them, up them everywhere. The stuff that numbs you, didn't work for me, and theb after 15 minutes and his hands covered in blood the anesthesiologist looks at me and says I'm sorry we are going to have to put you inder the spinal block is not working for you. ๐Ÿ˜“ Everything moved really fast. And I'm out. I wake up...No baby, No boyfriend. I ask the nurses where the baby is and if he is okay, and they explain the baby is with my boyfriend and family and I will be able to see them in a little. So I finish in recovery which felt like forever. and before I could get in the room (Which I told the nurses to make sure everyone was gone except LO and boyfriend) My SO placed the baby on my chest. Where I cryed and cryed in disbelief that this perfect little boy was mine. And now I know, it doesn't matter how you have your baby, labor doesn't even matter when you have that baby in your arms nothing before that moment matters. So when your natural birthing plan goes out window. Embrace that shit. Say fuck it. Because everyway of birthing leads to a beautiful bub! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™