Question for breastfeeding mommies


So my 2 month old will NOT let anyone but mommy and daddy hold her or she screams bloody murder! When I'm out of her eye sight she literally has a meltdown. The only thing that calms her down is to put my boob in her mouth lol. She is also eating from the bottle which I thought would help her bond with family members but she will refuse the bottle with them. She is also is spitting up ALOT! The doctor put her on Zantac but it just doesn't seem like it's doing anything! I wonder if this could be causing her fussiness and just wanting mommy? So my question is has anyone else experienced this? Will she grow out of it? Any tips please! 🙂 this mama needs just a little break!

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I wish I could give you some experienced advice or had some definite answers as to why, but I do have are some ideas. Have you tried 'easing' her into it- for example, hold her and let a relative put a hand on her tummy, then after some time/ days, have her sit on your lap but her legs on your relative's lap. She may then be less shocked or distraught if she's given time to slowly get used to it. Also, if it were my daughter, I'd ask a relative who was calm and not too animated with her. It can be very overstimulating for them. Another thought: have you looked into child psychology theories about this? Was her birth a bit traumatic for example? Mine was and my daughter spent her first night attached to my breast and would only calm when we were skin to skin. I read once that the only constant thing about babies is that everything will change 😊 it'll get better I'm sure