Dear Ex and Father of my Child

How is it possible that you are 42 and don't have it together for your son. He's sick again and you are nowhere to be seen. You go out and drink with your buddies like the last 17 months didn't happen. He's eight months old and all you have done is kicked him out of his home and are never around but few hours a week. But you get to go around acting like your his daddy. You may be his father but your not his daddy. And you act like there is something wrong with me because I'm fuming pissed and yell at you. Umm you f***ing broke our family up when he was barely three months old sold the house and don't help me take care of him at all. I do everything on my own and living at my parents. You are a damaged moron that act like a baby- grow up and put on your big boy pants