Sleep question


My LO is 5 weeks old. For a while, he would sleep for a 4-5 hour chunk when i would first put him down (anywhere between 7-8) and then wake up every 2 hours or so after that until about 6 and then we would get up. Hed (sometimes) go back to sleep after feeding and sleep for another hour. Then we had about 3 nights of him waking every hour and a half - sometimes to eat, sometimes just to be rocked.

Last night, I fed him starting around 7:30/7:40 and he ate until about 8:15 and then fell asleep. He slept until 4:15 AM! He woke up, I feed him and put him back down around 5. He woke again at 6:30 to eat and I put him back down - it's now 8:15 and he's still sleeping.

My question is (and you'll be able to tell I'm a first time mom here) is this TOO much sleep? I'm worried that either he won't nap well during the day or maybe he won't sleep well tonight. Am I being stupid and should just count my lucky stars he had an amazing night.