dh low sex drive


so I'd like some opinions or advice please 😊 my husband has suffered with anxiety and mild/moderate depression on and off for around 2 years and our sex life has been affected because of it. It's been tough on me trying not to feel down when iv been constantly rejected but I know its the illness and not me. He has been on new medication for a while now and every other aspect of his personality and everything is 'normal ' and I feel like I really have my husband back. The sex has started getting slightly more regular too. He has been saying for a few years that he is ready for a baby but I wasn't, and I didn't feel it was the right time with him being in a bad space mentally. But now things are looking up we decided to start Ttc. The first week was great and I felt for the first time in ages that our sex life was getting back to a good place. But as the weeks have gone on her has started rejecting me again. He says it's cuz iv been putting pressure on timing as iv been using opks and I totally see where he is coming from but part of me feels like he just isn't trying. I feel like this month has been a waste of opks etc. I don't want to keep talking to him about it as it's extra pressure on him and we haven't told anyone we are ttc so I can't tell anyone how I feel so I thought I'd put it out there to u guys. has anyone else been in the same boat before and how did u handle it? Sorry for the long post but feeling bit crappy right now xxx