Deciding to TTC


My husband and I have been married for 1 year and 9 months. I have wanted a baby since we got married. He wanted to wait until we were in a better financial situation (I.e. Me graduating from college. I'm 22 and will graduate in May 2018.) I had been asking forever if we could start trying.

Then in July 2017, all the symptoms were there; I swore I was pregnant. But alas, I was not. So I decided I would stop talking about wanting a baby. I just couldn't handle the conversation anymore.

On Sunday, August 27, my husband and I went to church early because I had to warm up with the praise team. After warming up and before the service started, I sat with my husband and he said to me: "Let's have a baby." I thought my heart was going to explode.

Of course, AF was due in a week so we had a little bit before there's any real opportunity to make it a reality.

But here's to making a life changing decision and beginning a new life adventure with the love of my life.♥️