Fetal Adrenal Mass


So 4 weeks ago we found a mass inside my baby's abdomen. Ive had 4 level 2 ultrasounds at the high risk doctor. The mass hasn't changed in size and they haven't really told me anything. I'm sure they do that to all of the mothers who have something scary but it seems cruel and unfair to me. They know its a hard mass near the adrenal gland/spleen and that he's doing fine for now.

Im having an MRI done tomorrow and will have to wait days before i know if it told us anything.

From the extensive research I've done it's either an adrenal hemorrhage or neuroblastoma. The most common fetal adrenal mass is neuroblastoma(cancer) and its killing me.

I keep seeing things about childhood cancer and it really getting to me. Not knowing anything and having everyone baby glove me and not tell me anything.

Im so scared for my son 😞

Mommy love you Sam