Maliya is born!


so here is my birth story... August 25th I was scheduled for an induction on August 31st due to having high blood pressure during pregnancy. So on Thursday the 31st I went in around 10:30 am to my doctors appointment to make sure the baby wasn't breech. luckily she wasnt. around 11:30 I headed to the hospital and waited for my room for about 45 minutes to an hour. I got into my room and around 3:00pm they checked my cervix and I was already 3cm dialted! I was then put on an IV of pitocin around 4:00pm. Eventually they checked me and I was 4-5 cm dialted and they broke my water. They noticed that she had peed in me. Things progressed pretty quick. Not to much longer after I was 10 cm but she was still high up. they waited for a couple hours for her to lower herself. before I knew it, it was time to push ! I pushed for about 45 minutes and she came out face up. She weighed 7 pounds 12.5 oz and 20 1/2 inches. I got 3 stitches

. She is the most amazing gift to me. Maliya Calzada, born September 1st at 5:15 am.