Confused and Asking

🗣 Long Post Alert!!🚨

So.....I've been pg 3 times and all ended in mc. The first time I didn't know when because I wasn't trying nor expecting a positive. I was told that I couldn't conceive so it was a total surprise. However, it ended in mc the same week (6wks). The second time I got pg, DH and I BD the day after my cycle ended but I didn't know I had conceived until I started having the most horrific cramps at work. I coach basketball and one night after game I was bent over because cramps were that bad. Took hpt the next day and it was positive (6 weeks) but it ended at 9 weeks. I knew it was that particular time because we separated right after. The most recent pregnancy I BD the day after my cycle on purpose to see if I was ovulating that soon and sure enough I 5 weeks later a positive test. That one ended at 12 weeks but I truly believe it was a medical mistake. Now here's my question, my cycle ended on Tuesday, 08/29. Hormones have been through the roof 8/31-09/04. However, I BD on 9/1 & 9/3 & 9/4 but I've been having mild abdominal cramps off and on all day on 9/4. They were noticeable and I'm wondering if it's possible the cramps are possibly associated with fertilization, implantation, or even early pregnancy.