What are you doing to prepare for delivery?

26, due 10/10/17 💙💙💙

I am 35 weeks pregnant and started doing minimal exercises to prep for delivery when the time comes. My whole pregnancy I've been lazy 😬 meaning no walking no exercise nothing. I was put on leave very early in my pregnancy so I've been home most of the time which has caused me to become so lazy. So now I feel like I'm going to go past my due date because of it. So now that my due date is right around the corner I've been trying to come up with a routine. So everyday I do about 30 squats and try to go for 30 min walks twice a week. I don't want to do too much because I don't want to go into early labor I just want to prepare my body so i can hopefully have a smooth labor and delivery if that makes sense. So what kind of exercises are you moms doing to prepare for delivery?