Feeling concerned about my belly

Jenny • Ftm 11/15/17 🎀👶🏼💕EBF. New Jersey 27y.o Vegetarian. Banker previously Marketing and Branding. I'm white and original from Georgia, husband is Dominican 🇩🇴 . Bilingual. Need mommy friends hit me up if your from central/north jersey.

Every time I go for a check up the doctor says everything is good. They did one ultrasound to confirm pregnancy and then one at 19weeks to check everything. Now every check up they just check the heart beat and every other appointment measure my belly with a tape.

But I've only gained 11lbs and I'm 30weeks. And I feel my belly is small. Especially since I wasn't super small before. I've gone from 169 to 180.. which is good in a way but I'm just worrying, maybe I'm over thinking it.