TWW symptoms


Hi all, new here.

My husband and I weren't necessarily trying this month but weren't careful enough either.

If we did end up conceiving this will be our third child. We have a 4-year-old daughter and a 2-year-old son.

The possibility of a third excites the hell outta me and I didn't realize I was so ready. I just hate the TWW.

My cycles have varied in length over the past few months with Jul-August being 34 days. I got my period on the 10th of August and I'm pretty sure I ovulated around the 29th-31st (based solely on CM). We DTD on the 30th.

Is it crazy to have symptoms already? My mind has been known to trick my body in the past.

So far I have increased sense of smell, tingly boobs, two small episodes of cramping 3 days after we DTD, together with some creamy, sticky CM (normally I would be dry at this stage).

As I said, I hate the TWW.