

I had a tubal reversal June of 2016. I fell pregnant in April 2017 and had an early miscarriage. Periods went back to normal. My last AF was July 13th. Normal cycles between 28-32 days. I didn't get my BFP until August 22nd(around 10 days past expected AF). I had a transvaginal US the 24th (I scheduled the appointment before I knew I was preggo because AF was so late) and nothing was visible in my uterus. My endometrium was thickened and the doc saw what he thinks is a pretty big cyst on my right ovary. He is checking my hcg levels to see if they're doubling, prescribed me prometrium suppositories and I go back tomorrow to see if there are any changes. Going by LMP I should be a little over 7 weeks. I'm worried that the "cyst" that we saw is actually my baby. sorry for the long post! Any reassuring advice or stories would be helpful. TIA