I have a crush on someone I don't know!


There's this guy I don't know, I only know his name. I've never spoken to him, but he's at my school. He stands out to me, unlike other guys. Not to mention he's hot AF. I have what feels like a crush on him. I have made the mistake of sneaking a glance at him, and almost every time, I get caught by him. I don't want to be one of those girls who looks at him from a distance and dreams about meeting him, I want to actually meet him. But I have no idea how without his friends being around, nor do I have the confidence. The only way I can think of is going down the street with his friends and hope he tags along. My best friend has a crush on one of his friends, which they have gone down the street once. I could try and organize it, but I don't want to come across as creepy. I don't want him to think I'm stalking him, as I have made a huge mistake! He's caught me staring *for like 3 seconds before I look away* and then I go ahead and add him on insta... Probably creepy to him. Idk, but I need help. I'm super interested in this dude, nobody else stands out to me like he does.