Anxiety about birth


I had a little breakdown last night when trying to fall asleep. I couldn't get my head to stop thinking. I have LOVED being pregnant and im scared to not be pregnant anymore.

This is our first and me and my hubby spend all of our free time together and absolutely love it. I'm scared about not having that anymore. I'm scared to be a parent because it is unfamiliar to me and I'm a creature of habit. Ive also been a workaholic for the last 3 years since I graduated college, by obviously that is going to change as well.

I'm scared about being a parent and being responsible for another human. I'm scared of making the wrong choice and not parenting my kid correctly.

My hubby is amazing and kept telling me he knows I will be a great parent. That everyone feels this way, but I figured I would just reach out in case someone else is feeling the same way and doesn't have anyone to talk to.

I have a scheduled C-Section on 9/11, so 6 more days 😆