TTC. Should I give up?!


Hi all, im pretty new glow and I much say I found it so helpful. However, after a year of me and my partner TTC. It's just not happening! I'm 25 and fairly healthy with no major health issues, all my friends have their own children, I find it so hard to talk to them because I don't want to be a negative nelly all the time🤦‍♀️ He already has a four year old from a previous relationship whom I love with all my heart and treat him as my own but it's just not the same, I desperately want my own child, to carry and love and watch them grow. Should I stop trying so hard to get pregnant? It breaks me every month when AF arrives 😭 every cycle I convince my self of imaginary symptoms, I can't bare it. I would love to make friends/chat with some lovely ladies in the same boat. any experiences people would like to share? Baby dust ❤❤❤🙏🙏