We were trying for a baby for almost a year

We were trying for a baby for almost a year. My Obs did all test everything was normal. Still was getting. April 1st 2017 was my LMP, after 8 weeks came to know we are expecting twins. No family history, my Obs said 3% couples have chance. We were super happy, double blessed. Things were going good, smooth until 20 week anatomic USG. One twin growing fine, healthy, doing good. Other twin has complex cardiac defect, other than that everything all amniocentesis reports were normal. After going to so many peds cardiologist & Obs, discussing baby's quality of life, spl care, surgeries, hopital visits we were giving selective termination option too by our Obs & peds cardiologist. Decided to get selective termination of twin baby with cardiac defects. Can not see baby suffer after birth. Hard decision to let baby go but decided to take pain now and not let baby suffer later. I'm 22 weeks & 3/4 days now with one healthy baby.