cd 28 gyno appt..

heading to the doc's today at 2 getting my first pap since 2014 of the last 15 months that I've been trying I've had a teansvaginal ultrasound due to a ruptured cyst..(Jan) since then everything's been good until July when I was a week late and believe I had a chemical pregnancy. or super early loss.. thy cycle after that in August I was 3 days "later" then I expected usually 33-34 CD was 37 cd .. shortly after that I was in horrible pain couldn't breathe couldn't walk... for like a whole day then some I was sore. like aching pain up my butt but like in my vagina and uterus? hard to describe .. so I've been a little worried not to mention this is the next step for me. slightly neverous! wish me luck