Sad, essentially.

My boyfriend of nearly five years and I broke up last weekend. I still really can't believe what's happening and I wake up to remember reality in horror.

He told me he couldn't commit to me fully and I always knew he was hesitant to do so, but we started dating in high school so I never expected that of him.

I understand that he needs time to be alone and to be his own, non-bounded person but I still feel as if we threw something amazing away.

I know he does too, since he flew all the way back home to speak with me (we've been doing long distance for most of our relationship) and told me he thought I was the best possible person, that us being together is what he wants, and that he loves me, but that he can't do it right now or give me the same love I give him.

I guess the point of all of this is that I'm looking for support and for advice to help me let go like he wants me to, despite me knowing that we want to be together.