Feeling Anxious !!!

Kierra • Waiting On My Rainbow Baby 👶🏽🌈❤️ #TTC

Soo I've Only Got 8 More Days Until AF Is Scheduled To Be Here .... But I'm Having This Overwhelming Good Feeling That AF Isn't Gonna Show Up And It'll Be Time To Get That BFP !!!!!!!

Ive Been Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night To Go Pee And Get Something To Drink (Been Real Thirsty) at 4/5 Am For The Past Week .... And I'm Sleepy As Ever And Been Eating A Hell Of A Lot !!! And On Top Of That I'm A Real Skinny Girl And I Have This Round Full Belly All The Time ... it's Not Big But I Do Look Like I've Eaten A Whole Lot When I Haven't Eaten At All !

I'm Just Taking All These As Positive Signs That This Is Gonna Be Our Month !!!! I'm Soo Excited And Anxious ... 5 Months (This Will Be 6 Months) Of TTC ... And My 23rd Bday Is Next Month !!!! This Will Be The Best Gift Ever !!!!! Please Sprinkle Baby Dust 👶🏽✨ Our Way !!!!!