I'm feeling confused... help?


So I had another really short period, 4 days... the first day was super light and the last day I didn't even wear anything because it was only the brown spotting when I wiped...

1st off - I don't know how to chart this is that considered my period still?

I have always had really heavy and long periods even on birth control but the last two months (now off birth control) have been short and light! (Not complaining!!)

2nd question - more important than the first!!!!! I just took an ovulation test because my breast are absolutely killing me and heavy and I'm really tired and it's looks like this... I know it's negative but do you think this is to strong for just getting off my period like 2 days ago???

Okay so I took this like maybe 3 minutes ago so it's still not dry and still getting even darker!!! And below is my tests from last month that were SUPER light until CD 11/12

Would you take a pregnancy test just to be safe or start BABY DANCING 💃🏻 maybe early ovulation???

Thank everyone sorry this is INSANELY long!!!