Should I stay or go

Hi all! Was wondering if anyone had some advice for me. I've been dating my bf for a little over 2 years and love him very much. However over the past year I've been feeling as if something isn't right and have been feeling almost as if I've been looking for someone better. I fear my bf maybe lacks empathy and doesn't really understand me. Also we don't have any plans for the future other than me moving in with him when he goes away to school next fall. I'm 28 and he's 26 almost 27. He struggles with depression and hasn't been happy lately. Me asking him about the future has stressed him out a lot, and he says you don't get to skip over the present to work on the future. Also he tells me that him trying so hard to make me happy lately has stressed him out a lot. Over the past year I've been thinking about my exes a lot, wondering if I would be happier had I stayed with them, even tho I know we broke up for a reason. I also have started having feelings for one of my friends but I'm not sure if we're even compatible so I'm not sure if it's worth giving up on my current relationship for him. I'm someone who has a history of getting bored in relationships and leaving for someone else, and I really don't want this negative cycle to continue. I tried to break up with him the other night but he got so upset that it made me question everything and I wanted to stay and comfort him more than I wanted to go. I'm so confused. Any advice you guys have would be awesome. Thanks!!