Chlamydia ... someone educate me please

I posted prior but there have been new developments


Had sex with a friend of three years when he was in town, get a call a month later saying "you gave me chlamydia"

I was in the car with the guy I had just started seeing so obviously I told him, my appointment is tomorrow morning. He went the next day as a walk in, I was too embarrassed for that so I'm seeing my actual doctor.

He got his results back today, negative for Chlamydia. Him and I had unprotected sex on multiple occasions, (we know each other for a year, and are only seeing each other, but yes I know I should have got tested first now) where as the other guy and I had sex one time only.

Is that possible?

I've never had an STD and google just isn't explaining it well to me.

My current BF doesn't have it. I find out this week, my ex best friend has it and says I'm the only person he had sex with (however he had just gotten out of a relationship"

I'm so confused. Could I have it (def still getting tested) and not pass it on to a guy with unprotected sex more than once?

Please don't lecture me, I had gotten tested regularly prior when I was sleeping around.