Not affectionate?

So last night I had a talk with my boyfriend. We had just finished having sex and I was trying to make out with him but he was just doing pecks back. So I looked down at him and said "you don't like kissing do you" and he said "no but it's always been that way" and so I said "you don't like that or holding hands or anything. Has it always been that way with the others?" And he said "I've actually kissed you and held your hand more than in past relationships". AND THIS IS BARELY EVER! He'll hold my hand in the car if I make him or sometimes I'll try to sleep holding hands. Or if I reach across the couch and hold his hand but he always pulls away. And we barely kiss. SOMETIMES pecks goodbye, never saying hi when meeting up, and next to no making out. One the one hand I'm happy that he's done these things more with me than with others because maybe he likes me better? But at the same time I'm thinking about those relationships and damn it's no wonder they ended. Like, I'm a very jealous person, but I actually feel a twinge of sadness for these girls 😂 (but the bigger feeling is happy because he didn't do that stuff often). What do I do if I'm really a touchy feely, love to make out, and be somewhat (not full on pda) affectionate in public? Like holding hands or him putting his hand on my back or around my waist or letting me sit on his lap. I mean, we cuddle when we sleep but it's not enough.