Just something to think about (trigger warning)


I saw my High risk doctor this morning for my weekly NST, and being 37+3, im just about done with this pregnancy. Everything hurts, I'm miserable, can't sleep, and feel like I poop a thousand times a day. All went well during my appointment but at the end, I wasn't able to meet with the doctor to go over all the results...he had to deliver sad news to another patient apparently...and when the tech told me that my heart just sank. While I've had a difficult pregnancy, everything with the baby has looked great, and hearing about someone else's loss just really hit close to home. That could have been me, or any of us. It made me wonder which woman it was because I'm sure I saw her sitting in the waiting room right along with me. I really shouldn't complain about being miserable, because at the end of the day, I'm still pregnant and my baby is healthy. This is my rainbow baby and even though it's been very stressful, I should be thankful for where I am. Just wanted to share with some other mamas. I know we're all tired of being pregnant and just want to see our babies, but let's not forget just how lucky we are to be in our positions.