🤷🏼‍♀️ADVICE🤷🏼‍♀️ Please read

Freya • 26. Married 3 yrs to my best friend together for 10. Baby #1 Due September 2018 👶🏼✨

I was diagnosed with endometriosis in March 2016 by my doctor because of my family history. My grandma had it, great-grandma had it, both resulting in hysterectomies at a young age (& it was a different era). According to my doctor next step would be a laparoscopy surgery to see how bad it is. My husband didn't want me to have the surgery without us trying to get pregnant naturally first. So I took the right steps, went off my birth control, waited 3 months, and have been trying for 6 months now. I had a chemical pregnancy during those six months and am getting discouraged. What should my next steps be? Try to procedure, go see the doctor to get tested again, or just keep trying?

I feel so lost 😞