Feeling alone and terrified 💔


I am a FTM and I'm 27w1d and I honestly think my boyfriend is useless. He doesn't understand how stressful and scary pregnancy is or birth. He doesn't understand anything about birth either *even tho he thinks he knows everything* no matter how many times Iv talked with him about it. I have so many other things I'm already stressing about and now I found out I can't afford birthing classes or a dula. My sisters had c-sections and my boyfriend sister had epidurals. No one supports my choice to have a natural hospital birth, and I honestly was relying on birth classes to be my support and teach me everything I needed to know. So finding out that I can't afford them has made me feel so isolated and alone and terrified. Birth is approaching quickly and I feel so unprepared. I don't know what more I can do at this point.