Biophysical Ultrasound?


At my 34 week appointment today my midwife mentioned that because of my BMI prior to pregnancy, they want to do a biophysical profile ultrasound starting at 36 weeks and continuing once a week until the end of pregnancy. During this they will score my baby based on movement, swallowing, amniotic fluid, heart rate, etc. And if I don't score a perfect score they will send me to labor and delivery for further monitoring. I let them schedule these appointments but I am questioning this. They really have no reason to do this test because my pregnancy has been completely normal the entire time. I've gained less than 20 pounds, my blood pressure is perfect, glucose perfect, excess protein never found, absolutely no issues at all so far. Baby has measured right on track and is very active, heartbeat perfect at every appointment. No issues whatsoever so far for me or baby. I feel like using my BMI as justification for these ultrasounds is not good enough. I've had a completely normal pregnancy. First of all, I'm under the opinion that extended ultrasound exposure is not proven to be healthy to begin with. Also, just because my baby doesn't score "perfect" doesn't really mean anything. Baby could be asleep, could be in a position where amniotic fluid isn't visually adequate at the moment, etc. my worst fear is going along with their recommendation for these ultrasounds and then they use their scoring as an excuse to induce labor or force a c-section when I don't really need either. Just feels like they're looking for issues that aren't there to begin with.

What is your opinion on this and what do you think I should do? Can I decline having this done?