vfp on adult spring break trip

On vacation with SO and friends. These friends drink heavily and tend to act like children. We've been ttc for over a year at this point between first 6 months, miscarriage at 11 weeks and last 4 months of trying.
Test date landed in the middle of our trip so I fully abstained.  He's binge drinking like a frat boy even though we're all mid thirties and I'm not drinking at all. Yesterday he suggested I leave the pool with our dog bc everyone (2 couples) was out of control...rather than ask them not to act like savages.  They all suspect I'm pregnant too since I'm not drinking but nailed me with a volleyball multiple times anyway.  We weren't playing volleyball btw, they got it just to hit at each other.
Today I opted out of playing a board game after he basically shoved me away to get the seat w a better view of tv.  I silently walked away with the dog to take a nap and he came up and told me to stop being antisocial!!!  I married an asshole and I need new friends :(