

So my partner randomly and this is completely random says last night "I'm gong to go for a jog..... I'll be half hour max" I was a bit confused but was like "okay".

I had a really bad headache and had my 14 month in bed with my I'd fallen asleep and woke up to realise he's been over a hour. I text and call with no response from him. I start panicking, worrying if he's been hurt or attacked! I ring my sister and explain to her my worries and the fact he's cheated before. She calms me down and she try's to contact him.

A whole 20 minutes later he rings me and says he went further than he said and was on his way back. This was his first jog?!? How far can this guy run? He comes back and I'm sort of moody. He starts stripping to get in the shower, (I've gone in to the bathroom to pee) I say randomly "pull your pants down" and he had all this sticky "pre cum" in a blob in his pants and all this white stuff on the end of his penis.

So my question is do you think he was cheating? I do?! But am I just crazy?? Anyones thoughts would be helpful.


I did confront him last night. He said it was pee?!?!? It was not pee! But I felt to ill last night that I didn't have the effort to argue about it. He's just going to deny everything, like he always does. I need to be strong for myself and children. I'm not going to speak to him. I don't want to hurt my children by making him leave, also it would be a real struggle on my own with 3 children. I hate being put in this situation. 😭😭