We're both at fault... :S

So my husband and I are almost going on two years of marriage. We both love each other to death but we've been plagued by stress this past year. First of all, we've moved four times, We were basically robbed once, My grandpa died, our income became unstable, and we moved in with his parents and my bro/sis in law. First of all, I loveeee my in-laws. We moved in because they were really struggling financially. My husband always told me from day one if you don't want to, you're my #1 priority and we'll leave. Every time I get irritated at something or someone, he reminds me that we have the option. Well the point is that stress has made us fight more. Not alllll the time, but more frequently than before. The problem is that now I feel like he's losing sight of what he loves about my personality. He'll say stuff like, 'god it's just that I can't ever tell you anything!' Or 'Well that's just how you are.' Tonight he just wanted to go to bed without talking it out (as he has always preferred to) and he said 'just go away, I dont want to talk to you.' And i lost my temper (and moral high-ground) and said screw you. I do regret it, but I dont know how to tell him he needs to cool his jets, get perspective, and meditate on my good stuff not my bad crap that I have. :( Serious advice please? And no, I'm not going to leave him. We love each other, we're just under strain. Ideas on how to draw closer?