What should I do !?

Okay so sticky subject really but trying to get as much advice as possible.

Long story as short as possible!

Long distance relationship for 3 years whilst I was working in Middle East, me and my partner very happy and in love, he had a 6 year old with a bipolar woman who was a one night stand in his 20's who began stalking me and causing problems, I move home 6 month ago as contract up, got a new job, fell pregnant on the pill too. Following the arguments which were not only about her, he has become aggressively, sometimes physically abusive and just realy nasty, any excuse to have a go at me he will... now I'm 20 weeks my scan in coming up and I havnt had a text or anything from him in around 3 weeks,... from seeing his issues he may be struggling mentally he has been taking drugs etc and so obviously now I'm wondering am I wrong to not contact him for scans next week? I'm not bothered now about him but I am wondering where to go from here in regards to his relationship with baby. Even forgetting some of the abuse, he still should not be calling me names, there needs to be a level of respect there before he is involved? Am I wrong ? Should I start looking into getting legal help?
