I'm starting to question Us.

My boyfriend lives with my grandma and I. Not because he has to, or he has no place to go, I just wanted him to move in and he wanted to as well. He has a home to go to. He's been living with me for a year, and within that year there has been so many ups and downs and struggles. But lately, he's been doing shit that really has been getting under my skin, like trying to keep me from seeing my family(because they disrespected him), or picking up a drinking habit that leads to fights sometimes when he's drunk. Or maybe the fact that he considers himself a man when he still acts like a boy. I don't want to break up with him. But it looks like I'm either gonna have to: 1. Take it, 2. Talk to him about it (which may very well lead to a breakup, or damage the relationship), or 3. Breakup